Ailos Cartões

by Ailos - Cooperativa Central de Credito



Meet the Ailos Cards app. Control and practicality in the palm of your hand.In a practical and quick way you can:- make purchases over the Internet safely, using the virtual card;- consult invoices, transactions and installments;- see chart of transactions by category;- perform blocking and unlocking of features and category;- to manage expenses by category;- consult limits and available balances and much more.Download the app and manage your cards in a simple, fast and secure way.Free and exclusive application for Individual and Corporate members of the Ailos System Cooperatives: Viacredi, AcrediCoop, Únilos, Acentra, CredCrea, Credelesc, Transpocred, Credifoz, Credicomin, Crevisc, Civia, Evolua and Viacredi Alto Vale.